Unleash Your Inner Glamour: Top Makeup Tips and Tricks for 2023

1. Prep Your Skin

The first step to a flawless makeup application is preparing your skin – a process that is as crucial as the makeup application itself. No matter how high-quality or expensive your makeup is, it won’t look its best without a properly prepped canvas. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to prep your skin for makeup:

Cleanse: Begin with a clean slate. Use a gentle facial cleanser suitable for your skin type to remove any dirt, oil, and impurities from your skin. This step is essential as it prevents your pores from clogging, which can lead to breakouts and an uneven makeup application.

Exfoliate: Exfoliating is an often overlooked step in skin prep. By gently scrubbing your skin with an exfoliator, you remove dead skin cells that can cause your makeup to look flaky. However, it’s important not to over-exfoliate, as this can irritate your skin. Aim for 1-2 times a week, depending on your skin type.

Tone: After cleansing, it’s time to tone. Toning helps balance your skin’s pH levels and prepare it for the next steps in your skincare routine. It also helps remove any residual impurities that your cleanser might have missed.

Moisturise: Hydrated skin is happy skin! Moisturising creates a smooth, supple surface for makeup application. It helps your makeup glide on more evenly and stay on longer. Choose a moisturiser that suits your skin type and give it a few minutes to absorb into your skin before moving on to makeup.

Prime: Using a primer can make a world of difference in your makeup application. Primers create a smooth surface for your makeup and can help your makeup stay put throughout the day. They come in various forms, so choose one that suits your skin type and the look you’re aiming for.

Sunscreen: Finally, but perhaps most importantly, don’t forget the sunscreen. Even on cloudy days, harmful UV rays can cause damage to your skin. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 before your makeup. Remember, protecting your skin is just as important as making it look good.

Remember, prepping your skin is an investment in the longevity and final look of your makeup. It may add a few extra minutes to your routine, but the results are well worth it. After all, great makeup starts with great skin!

2. Know Your Skin Type

Understanding your skin type is the cornerstone of effective skincare and makeup application. Whether your skin is oily, dry, combination, or normal, knowing its characteristics can help you choose the right makeup products that will not only enhance your beauty but also improve your skin’s health. Here’s a quick rundown of different skin types and the makeup products best suited for them:

Oily Skin: If your skin often looks shiny, feels greasy, and is prone to breakouts, you likely have oily skin. This skin type produces more sebum, which can cause makeup to slide off or look patchy. To counteract this, look for oil-free or mattifying foundations that can help control shine and hold your makeup in place. Powder-based products are also your friend as they can absorb excess oil.

Dry Skin: Dry skin is characterised by tightness, visible flaking, and a tendency towards fine lines and wrinkles. This skin type lacks the necessary amount of sebum to keep the skin moist, leading to a dehydrated appearance. Hydrating or dewy finish products are ideal for dry skin as they can add much-needed moisture and create a luminous finish. Cream-based blushes, bronzers, and eyeshadows are also great choices as they won’t dry out your skin further.

Combination Skin: If you have areas of your skin that are oily (typically the T-zone) and areas that are dry, you fall into the combination skin category. This skin type can be a bit tricky to cater to, as you essentially have to treat different areas of your face differently. A balanced approach is key. You might need to use mattifying products on your oily zones and hydrating ones on your drier areas.

Normal Skin: If your skin isn’t overly oily or dry and is generally blemish-free, you have normal skin. This skin type has a good balance of moisture, small pores, and an even tone. Most makeup products will work well for you, but it’s always a good idea to aim for products that maintain your skin’s natural balance.

Sensitive Skin: Sensitive skin can easily become irritated, red, or inflamed and requires extra care when choosing makeup products. If you have sensitive skin, always opt for hypoallergenic, fragrance-free, and non-comedogenic makeup products to avoid any adverse reactions.

Remember, your skin type can change due to factors such as age, weather, and hormones, so it’s important to reassess your skin type periodically. Knowing your skin type and using appropriate makeup products can make a world of difference in your overall look and skin health.

3. Master the Art of Concealing

When it comes to makeup, concealer is your secret weapon. It has the power to hide imperfections, brighten your complexion, and even change the apparent shape of your facial features. However, mastering the art of concealing isn’t just about having a high-quality concealer; it’s also about understanding how to apply it correctly. Here’s a breakdown of how to use concealer to your advantage:

Choose the Right Concealer: First things first, you need to choose the right concealer for your needs. For blemishes, redness, and other skin imperfections, a concealer that matches your skin tone is a must. If you’re dealing with dark under-eye circles or discoloration, however, a color-correcting concealer may be needed. Peach or orange-toned concealers are perfect for neutralizing dark circles, while green concealers can help counteract redness.

Under-Eye Application: For the under-eye area, the goal is to brighten and lift. Rather than dotting the concealer along your dark circles, draw an inverted triangle with the base under your eye and the point towards your cheek. This technique, often called the “Triangle of Light,” brightens up your entire face and creates the illusion of a fresher, more youthful appearance.

Spot Concealing: When it comes to blemishes or discoloration, less is more. Apply a small amount of concealer directly to the spot and gently blend the edges until they seamlessly fade into your skin. For best results, use a small, precise concealer brush.

Highlighting and Contouring: Concealer can also be used for highlighting and contouring. To highlight, apply a concealer two shades lighter than your skin tone on the high points of your face, like the bridge of your nose, the center of your forehead, and your chin. For contouring, apply a concealer two shades darker than your skin tone under your cheekbones, along your hairline, and along the sides of your nose.

Set Your Concealer: After application, always set your concealer with a translucent powder to prevent it from creasing or sliding off. Just apply a light dusting of powder over the areas where you’ve applied the concealer.

Remember, a good concealer application can make all the difference in your makeup look. Practice these techniques, and soon you’ll be concealing like a pro!

4. Blend, Blend, Blend!

One of the golden rules in makeup is to blend, and then blend some more. Whether it’s your eyeshadow, foundation, or bronzer, blending is what separates a professional-looking makeup job from one that appears to be done in haste. The goal is to make your makeup look like a natural enhancement of your features, not an add-on. Here are some blending tips to ensure a flawless finish:

Foundation: Always start with a small amount of foundation and build up if necessary. Apply it in small dots over your face and use a makeup brush or sponge to blend it outwards from the center of your face. Pay special attention to your jawline, hairline, and neck – you don’t want a noticeable line where your makeup ends.

Eyeshadow: When it comes to eyeshadow, blending is absolutely crucial. Use a fluffy blending brush and work in small, circular motions to diffuse the lines between different shades of eyeshadow. A good tip is to use a transition shade, a shade that’s between the color of your skin and the color of your eyeshadow, to create a seamless gradient.

Blush, Bronzer, and Highlighter: These face products should be blended into your skin so they look like a natural flush of color, not a stripe on your face. Make sure to blend blush into your skin so it looks like the color is coming from within, rather than sitting on top of your skin. For bronzer and highlighter, blend the edges well to avoid harsh lines.

Lipstick: If you’re going for a softer, more natural look with your lipstick, consider blending out the edges with a lip brush. This gives a diffused effect that looks less harsh than a crisp lip line.

Tools: High-quality makeup brushes and sponges can make a world of difference in your makeup application. For foundation and cream products, a damp beauty sponge can give a flawless, airbrushed finish. For powder products, like eyeshadow and blush, a variety of brushes are necessary for different purposes – larger, fluffier brushes for blending, and smaller, denser brushes for precise application.

Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you practice your blending technique, the more natural and seamless your makeup will look. Blend like your life depends on it, and you’ll have a flawless face every time!

5. Experiment with colours

Diving into the makeup trends for 2023, we see an interesting mix of elements that can add a dash of excitement to your makeup routine.

Statement lips are forecasted to take the spotlight this year. Lips are set to be bolder than ever, and they may be ready to work alone. This look can transition effortlessly from day to night. Makeup artist Tobi Henney suggests keeping the skin clean and lightly grooming the brows and lashes to center the focus on your lips. The resurgence of lip liners that are deeper than lipstick hues can help achieve the perfect lip shade and enhance lips by giving the illusion of more fullness​1​.

Futuristic metallics are also making a grand entrance. Alloy-inspired shimmer can veer whimsical or robotic, depending on how you play it. Mermaidcore ruled the spring 2023 runways, and the collective conversation around AI is bound to elicit futuristic beauty​1​.

The love for blush continues to grow. Blush has been experiencing a renaissance in recent years, with blendable cream options and more-is-more application methods making cheeks, eyes, and the bridges of noses romantically rosy. “Adding blush is like adding life back to the skin,” says makeup artist Jenna Kristina​1​.

The Euphoria effect shows no signs of stopping, with more experimental looks incorporating gems, pearls, glitter, and other accents that’ll cover not only the eyes but other parts of the face and body. Invest in an arsenal of flat-backed rhinestones in all shapes, sizes, and shades to be secured with clear lash glue​1​.

Lastly, expect to see longer and sharper cat-eye wings. Kittenish flicks and alluring siren eyes will gain in popularity with the help of an upgraded guard of liners. “The graphic feline liner look will be one to wear for a fun night out,” says Henney, who recommends focusing on pulling the eye shape upward and outward​1​.

Remember, makeup is a form of self-expression, and there are no rules. Have fun with it, experiment, and embrace the beauty trends that resonate with you! Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and play with these vibrant and bold shades of 2023.

6. Don’t Neglect Your Brows

Eyebrows are often referred to as the frames of our face. They play a pivotal role in facial recognition, and well-groomed brows can significantly enhance your overall appearance. They can add structure, balance, and symmetry to your face while also accentuating your eyes. Here are some tips to keep your brows looking their best:

Grooming: Regular grooming is essential for maintaining neat and tidy eyebrows. This may involve plucking stray hairs with tweezers, trimming long hairs with small scissors, or getting your eyebrows professionally waxed or threaded. If you decide to pluck your eyebrows at home, remember to do so in good lighting and only pluck the hairs underneath the brow to maintain its natural shape.

Filling: Even if you have thick eyebrows, there may be sparse areas that need a little help. Use an eyebrow pencil or powder that matches your hair color to fill in these areas. Remember to use light, feathery strokes to mimic the look of natural hairs, and try not to overfill your brows as this can make them look unnatural.

Shaping: The shape of your eyebrows should complement your face shape. For example, if you have a round face, high, arched brows can add length to your face. If you have a long face, straight, flat brows can make your face appear shorter. It’s best to follow your natural brow shape and just enhance it slightly rather than trying to create an entirely new shape.

Setting: To keep your brows in place all day, consider using an eyebrow gel. Clear gels work for everyone, or you can choose a tinted gel to add a bit of color. Just brush the gel through your brows in an upward and outward motion.

Highlighting: To make your brows stand out even more, apply a bit of highlighter or concealer right underneath the brow bone. This can lift the brow and make your eyes look bigger and brighter.

Remember, the goal is to enhance your natural brows and not to create a completely different shape. Your eyebrows are unique to you, and they are part of what makes you look like you. Keep them neat and tidy, but don’t be afraid to let them show their natural shape and thickness.

7. Less is More

In the world of makeup, it can be tempting to want to try every product, every colour, every trend all at once. While experimenting with makeup is part of the fun, it’s essential to remember the age-old saying – “less is more”. A minimalistic approach to makeup can often result in a more elegant, sophisticated, and timeless look. Here are some tips to help you embrace the beauty of minimalism in your makeup routine:

Focus on Your Skin: Instead of covering your skin with heavy foundation and layers of makeup, focus on maintaining a healthy skincare routine. Well-hydrated and exfoliated skin will naturally look good with minimal makeup. Choose a lightweight foundation or BB cream that allows your skin to breathe.

Enhance Your Features: Rather than transforming your features with makeup, use it to enhance what you naturally have. For instance, a swipe of mascara can brighten your eyes, a hint of blush can bring life to your cheeks, and a touch of lip gloss can make your lips look fuller.

Choose Quality Over Quantity: Investing in a few high-quality products that suit your skin tone and type is better than having a large collection of makeup that you hardly use. A good quality concealer, a versatile eyeshadow palette, a flattering blush, and a lipstick in a shade that makes you feel fabulous are the essentials in a minimalistic makeup bag.

Master the No-Makeup Makeup Look: The no-makeup makeup look is the epitome of ‘less is more’. This look is all about using a minimal amount of products to create a natural, fresh-faced appearance. It typically involves a lightweight base, a bit of concealer, subtle eyeshadow, a touch of mascara, a hint of blush, and a neutral lip.

Remember, Confidence is Key: At the end of the day, makeup is meant to enhance your natural beauty and give you an extra boost of confidence. Don’t hide behind your makeup, but rather let your natural beauty shine through.

Embracing a ‘less is more’ approach does not mean you have to give up on makeup altogether. It’s about appreciating and enhancing your natural beauty, focusing on quality over quantity, and understanding that sometimes, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.